Uncover Joe Rogan’s Cutting-Edge Supplement Regimen: Elevate Your Health like a Top Health Professional!

Joe Rogan, the renowned podcast host, comedian, and American UFC color commentator, has garnered a large following due to his unique perspective and candidness on various subjects.

As an avid user of dietary supplements, Joe Rogan has taken the time to compile a list of supplements he believes are essential for ensuring optimal health and wellness. Rogan constantly reevaluates and updates his supplement list based on the latest scientific research.

He encourages his followers to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking dietary supplements, as individual needs may vary.

Exploring Joe Rogan’s Preferred Brands and Products

Joe Rogan, known for his interest in supplements and overall health, has mentioned various brands and products he endorses or finds beneficial. Let’s delve into some of these brands, their reputation, and why Joe Rogan may prefer them:


One brand that Joe Rogan has been a long-time supporter of is Onnit. Onnit offers many supplements, including nootropics, vitamins, and pre-workout formulas. Joe Rogan frequently discusses Onnit supplements on his podcast, emphasizing their quality and effectiveness in supporting his health and fitness goals.


Joe Rogan has also expressed interest in nootropics, which are supplements aimed at enhancing cognitive function. He has mentioned TruBrain, a brand known for focusing on cognitive enhancement and brain health.

TruBrain formulates its products based on scientific research and combines natural ingredients to support mental focus, clarity, and creativity.

joe rogan diet and supplements

Athletic Greens

When it comes to greens supplements, Joe Rogan has recommended Athletic Greens. Athletic Greens offer a comprehensive blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and probiotics in a convenient powder form.

Mycology Research Laboratories

Mushroom supplements have caught Joe Rogan’s attention as well. He has mentioned Mycology Research Laboratories, a brand specializing in medicinal mushrooms. Mycology Research Laboratories focuses on sourcing high-quality mushrooms and employs rigorous testing and extraction methods to ensure the potency and bioavailability of their products.

Other Supplements

In addition to these brands, Joe Rogan has discussed various supplements such as fish oil, protein powder, and vitamin D. While he has mentioned specific brands and products, it’s important to note that individual preferences and needs may vary.
What works for Joe Rogan might only work for some, give it a try and see which of these supplements hit you the best!

Joe Rogan supplement list LOSTnLOVEco.com

Joe Rogan’s Supplement List

Joe Rogan’s supplement list includes various vitamins and minerals. These supplements are crucial in maintaining a healthy immune system and regulating hormone production. Rogan takes highly absorbable forms of these nutrients to ensure maximum efficacy.

Let’s take a look at what vitamins Joe Rogan’s takes and evaluate the benefits of each item:

Fish Oil

One of the critical supplements that Joe Rogan is known to take is fish oil. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil has been shown to have various health benefits, including reducing inflammation, supporting heart health, and improving brain function.

joe rogan fish oil

Joe has spoken frequently on his podcast about incorporating omega-3s into his diet. Joe Rogan recommends taking a high-quality fish oil supplement to ensure you get the necessary daily dose.

Vitamin D

Another supplement that Joe Rogan relies on is Vitamin D. Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D is critical for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.

How much vitamin does Joe Rogan take? Joe takes a high daily dose of Vitamin D and has even spoken about getting regular intravenous Vitamin D drops to ensure optimal levels.

Intravenous Vitamin Drip

Regarding intravenous drips, Joe Rogan has also mentioned receiving Vitamin C IVs to boost his immune system and overall health. By getting regular IVs, Joe can ensure that he is getting a high dose of Vitamin C that may not be readily achievable through diet alone.


Zinc is an essential mineral that is crucial in various bodily functions. Additionally, zinc is known for its antioxidant properties and role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. It is commonly available as a dietary supplement and is often taken to support immune health and overall well-being.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant naturally produced by the body. Glutathione is involved in numerous processes in the body, including detoxification, DNA synthesis, and protein synthesis.

While it is available in supplement form, it’s worth noting that oral supplementation may have limited effectiveness due to the breakdown of glutathione during digestion. However, certain supplements may support the body’s natural production of glutathione.


Quercetin is often taken as a supplement for its potential benefits in supporting immune health, reducing inflammation, and providing antioxidant protection. It’s worth mentioning that quercetin is often combined with other compounds, such as bromelain, to enhance its absorption and effectiveness.


Creatine is a natural compound found in small amounts in animal-based protein sources. It is involved in energy production and is popularly used as a supplement to enhance athletic performance and increase muscle strength and power.

Furthermore, creatine supplementation is commonly used by athletes and individuals in high-intensity, short-duration activities like weightlifting and sprinting. It may also have potential benefits for cognitive function and muscle recovery.


Protein is a macronutrient crucial for muscle growth and repair. While protein can be obtained from food sources such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy, legumes, and plant-based sources, protein supplements provide a convenient way to meet daily protein requirements, especially for individuals with higher protein needs or those who may have difficulty consuming enough protein through food alone.

joe rogan protein

Protein supplements, including whey protein, casein protein, soy protein, and plant-based protein, are popular among fitness enthusiasts.


Joe Rogan has talked about the benefits of ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb known for its potential to reduce stress and improve mood. Ashwagandha supplements may help support adrenal function, promote relaxation, and enhance resilience to stress.


Pre-workout supplements, including pre-workout powders or drinks, boost energy, enhance focus, and improve exercise performance.

Caffeine, amino acids, creatine, and other substances that promote energy generation, blood flow, and muscle endurance are frequently included in their formulas.

Pre-workout vitamins can enhance someone’s energy and focus throughout their workouts, which could result in higher intensity and better outcomes. So if your routine includes workout on a regular basis, do give these pre-workout supplements a try.

Greens Supplements

Greens supplements, such as greens powders or capsules, are powdered formulations that typically contain various plant-based ingredients like fruits, vegetables, herbs, and algae.

joe rogan daily supplements

Greens supplements aim to support overall health, increase daily nutrient intake, and promote alkalinity in the body. They can be a convenient way to ensure you get a diverse range of plant nutrients when whole foods are not readily available.


Probiotics are good microorganisms with health advantages, especially for the immune and digestive systems. They facilitate sound digestion and maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

Moreover, probiotic supplements, available in various formulations, including capsules and powders, contain specific strains of bacteria that can survive the digestive process and reach the intestines, where they exert their beneficial effects.

Organ Meat Supplements

Joe Rogan has shown interest in organ meat supplements from organs like the liver, heart, and kidney. These supplements provide a concentrated source of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds, supporting overall health and nutrient diversity.

Testosterone Supplements:

While Joe Rogan hasn’t explicitly recommended testosterone supplements, he has discussed the benefits of optimizing testosterone levels through lifestyle choices such as exercise, diet, and adequate sleep.

testosterone supplements joe rogan

Testosterone supplements are sometimes used to support hormonal balance in individuals with low testosterone levels.


Physically fit, Rogan has emphasized the importance of a well-rounded diet and mentioned the potential benefits of supplementing with a multivitamin. Multivitamins help fill nutrient gaps and ensure adequate essential vitamins and minerals intake.

Mushroom Supplements

Joe Rogan has expressed interest in mushroom supplements, particularly those containing medicinal mushrooms like Lion’s Mane and Reishi.

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are popular for their multiple benefits. Reishi mushrooms, on the other hand, have adaptogenic properties and may help the body adapt to stress, support immune function, and promote relaxation.

Other medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps, Chaga, and Turkey Tail offer unique compounds and potential health benefits such as immune support, energy enhancement, and antioxidant activity.

These supplements typically come in powdered or encapsulated forms, providing convenience for daily use. Choosing reputable brands that source their mushrooms from reliable suppliers and conducting quality testing is essential.


Joe Rogan has mentioned nootropic gum as a supplement with multiple cognitive benefits. Nootropic gums often contain caffeine, vitamins, and herbal extracts to enhance focus, mental clarity, and cognitive performance.

joe rogan nootropics

The gum is designed to be absorbed through the buccal cavity, bypassing the digestive system for a quick onset of effects. Its convenience and portability make it an appealing option for those seeking a cognitive boost on the go.

However, it’s essential to use gum in moderation and be mindful of its caffeine content, especially for individuals sensitive to stimulants. Reading labels and choosing a gum that aligns with personal goals and preferences is critical.

Vitamin B12

Joe Rogan has emphasized the importance of vitamin B12, especially for individuals following a plant-based diet. The synthesis of DNA, the formation of red blood cells, energy metabolism, and neuron function all depend on vitamin B12.

Since plant-based sources of B12 are limited, it is recommended for those following vegetarian or vegan diets to ensure adequate intake through fortified foods or B12 supplements.

Sufficient vitamin B12 supports healthy nerve cells, red blood cell production, and the prevention of megaloblastic anemia. The proper dosage and supplement form can be chosen by selecting reliable brands and talking with medical experts.

Joe Rogan’s Approach to Overall Health and Fitness

Joe Rogan emphasizes the significance of a balanced approach to health, incorporating exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle factors. He recognizes that achieving optimal well-being involves a holistic approach rather than relying solely on supplements.

Let’s explore Joe Rogan’s focus on a well-rounded diet, exercise and vitamin regimen, and the role of supplements within his overall approach.

Well-Rounded Diet

Joe Rogan understands the importance of a well-rounded diet as a foundation for good health. He promotes the consumption of whole, nutrient-dense foods, emphasizing the value of organic fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.

joe rogan daily diet and supplements

By prioritizing whole foods, Joe Rogan ensures he obtains a wide range of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can support overall health and vitality.

If you aren’t already, jump start your day with a well-rounded diet and see how it works wonders for you.

Exercise Regimen

Joe Rogan is a proponent of regular exercise and staying physically active. He engages in various forms of physical activity, including weightlifting, martial arts, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Regular exercise helps to improve cardiovascular health, build strength and muscle mass, boost metabolism, and enhance overall fitness. By incorporating different types of exercise, Joe Rogan maintains a well-rounded fitness routine that targets various aspects of physical well-being.

Role of Supplements

While Joe Rogan emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and exercise, he also acknowledges the potential benefits of incorporating supplements into his regimen.

Supplements can provide additional support to fill nutritional gaps and enhance specific areas of health.

joe rogan recommended vitamins

Joe Rogan’s interest in supplements, such as nootropics, greens powders, and mushroom supplements, reflects his curiosity in optimizing cognitive function and overall well-being and addressing specific health goals.


It’s important to note that Joe Rogan’s approach to supplements is based on his personal experiences and preferences. He often emphasizes individual experimentation and finding what works best for each person.

He encourages his audience to conduct their research, consult with healthcare professionals, and listen to their bodies when considering supplements. Joe Rogan’s supplement regimen promotes overall wellness and cognitive function.

By including fish oil, Vitamin D, B vitamins, Vitamin C, and greens supplements, he provides his body with the tools it needs to function at its best. While this regimen may not suit everyone, it gives a blueprint for enhancing physical and mental well-being through targeted supplement use.

Try out these supplements to see which one suits you best in order to maintain a well-rounded diet, inculcate exercise and sustain a healthy lifestyle.



1 comment

lioana June 28, 2023 - 8:26 pm

how mani times to have this body ,sir please?


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