Clean Your Hair Clippers in Minutes

close up of a clipper

Keeping your hair clippers clean and well maintained is essential for a good grooming experience, but it doesn’t have to take hours of elbow grease. With the right tools, you can clean your clippers quickly and easily in just a few minutes!

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The Importance of Cleaning Hair Clippers

It is important to keep your clippers clean for a number of reasons. Cleaning clippers not only keeps them working properly and efficiently, but it also prevents the spread of bacteria, which can cause infection or dermatitis. Regularly cleaning your clippers will also help them last longer and will ensure the best cuts each and every time you use them.

4 Steps to Clean Your Hair Clippers Fast.

Clean off any hair stuck on the blades with a comb and brush combo tool.

To begin the cleaning process, use a comb and brush combo tool to remove any clumps of hair stuck between the blades. The short bristles on one side are designed to pull out even the most stubborn strands from between the blades, while the other end’s wide comb can separate and break apart clumps of hair. This step is essential in order to keep your blades sharp and functioning effectively.

Sanitize and Clean the Blades using a small dish and clipper wash solution.

Once the blades are free of hair, it’s time to move on to the cleaning and sanitizing. Pour a quarter cup of clipper wash solution into a small bowl and use a soft-bristled brush or cloth to work the solution over the blades. The bristles will help to remove oils and debris which can build up, resulting in infections and irritation for your clients if not removed. Allow the solution to sit for around five minutes before rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Wipe down exterior parts such as handles, buttons and casing with damp cloth

Once you have cleaned and sanitized the blades, it’s important to also wipe down any other exterior parts such as handles, buttons, and casing. To do this, simply take a damp cloth and gently wipe down these areas to remove any hair, oils or debris. This step should not take longer than a few minutes but should be done regularly in order to ensure that your clippers are fully hygienic for each use.

Oil your clippers

oiling clippers  by adding oild to edge of the clippers for ways to clean your hair clippers

After you have finished the cleaning process, it’s important to oil the blades of your clippers in order to prevent them from rusting. To do this, simply use a few drops of clipper blade oil and spread it evenly across each blade. Make sure that the oil is covering all edges of the blade to fully protect them and ensure that they last longer. Once done, turn on your clippers and wipe off any excess oil before using.


Benefits of Cleaning Your Hair Clippers

While it may seem like a small detail, cleaning your clipper blades is an important part of hair care and grooming. Keeping your clippers clean can help them last longer, increase their performance, and reduce the amount of time and money you spend on hair maintenance.

Tips to Keep Your Hair Clippers Sharp and Clean

To keep your hair clippers sharp, it is important to regularly clean and oil the blades. After each use, make sure to rinse out any hair residue in warm water and spray the blades with a disinfectant or lubricating oil. You should also sharpen the blades every few weeks by honing them with an emery cloth or special stone. Following these simple steps will help to ensure that your clippers stay sharp and ready for use.



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