Men’s Nail Care | Tips for the Modern man

Regardless of a man’s job, he works with his hands. Whether he is fixing something or lifting heavy items, men use their hands all the time. What we tend not to do is take care of them. We neglect our hands only until it becomes irritating. I don’t touch them until they become jagged, hangnail pain or too long.

We tend to forget how much others pay attention to our hands. Ladies love men with nice looking hands. So, let pay more attention to one of our most seen parts of our body. I’m going to go over all that you need to do to keep them hands manly and sexy.

Why is Nail Care Important?

Nail care is important for a few reasons.

1st, your nails say a lot about how well you take care of yourself. Good looking nails tells people your healthy and clean. Nobody likes to look at dirty nails, it’s just plain nasty.

2nd, it stops those irritating moments. Come on now, we have all had them. The time when you bend you nail back, because you let them things get to the size of wolf claws. Also, when you feel that sharp pain on your fingertips because the hangnail ripped from your finger to what feels like your wrist.

3rd, you’re a man, we are known and defined by things we do with our hands. Going back to your father’s father, we are the ones that got things done that required more physical labor. That’s just what we do.

How to Take care of your Nails as a Man?

Check it, we don’t have to do much to keep are nails up. It’s really not expected of us to have salon type looking nails. Just clean and not too jagged is all that’s required of us. Although, when you take care of your hands a woman will let you know real quick, that she like them. Plus let’s face it we want to touch her with those hands. So, here is a simple guide of things you can do at home to get your nails looking right and on her body.

for Men’s Nail Care Kit.

Here is the nail kit I like to use, its small and has everything that I need. It looks like a lot but over time I have eventually used everything in this case. It lasts long and looks good.

Very last thing before we start, I highly recommend doing all these things after you shower. Our skin is tough and trying this when you hand, and skin is not softened is going to make things harder. I’m sure we all cut a fingernail and it popped somewhere across the room. So, before you put your eye out, do this after the shower fellas.

Cuticle Care

Alright, I must admit now, this is something that I didn’t know much about and don’t do enough myself. Even though, taking care of your cuticles prevent those damn hangnails and I hate hangnails.

Since its just the fellas talking, I’m not going to get into all the medical terminology of the fingers, but let you know just how we would.

Your cuticle is the skin that ends at your skin and begins at your fingernail. You know, the part where hangnails start, you that’s your cuticle.

We going to want to push that back, now there are a few tools you can use to do this. If you’re like me you probably just used your car key, but I got some pictures of what to use.

Take the round part and starting at the nail push back gently. You want to expose a little more nail in this process. This is going to help prevent those hangnails and allow your nail to grow without all those bumpy ridges we get.

Clipping Your Nail

We should all be familiar with this one, so I won’t go into too much detail. They key to this is making sure your hands have been soaking or when your fresh out the shower. Cutting your nail during this time will help them from not splitting or creating those 80 grit sand paper rough edges.

To avoid cutting your nails to low you want to gently push against your finger so when you cut the nail it hangs slightly over your finger. Cutting them too short creates “booty fingers” if anyone remember that. Let me show you what “booty fingers” look like.

them some nasty “Booty Fingers”

Just terrible. So, make sure you have your fingernails hang over your finger. It doesn’t have to be much, just enough to be able to open a can of soda.

You should be able to scratch and itch or at least pick your nose. All jokes aside.

A close up of a person's hand

showing a rounded manicure  mens nail care

You just want to have some white part of your fingernail showing.

Fingernail Shape


At this point you have cut your nail so now it needs to be smoothed out. Inside your kit you should have a metal file, or have the sandpaper kind but it doesn’t matter.

a metal finger nail file

There are two ways that you can shape your nail. Shape them in a circular shape natural to the roundness of your finger or square which is the one I prefer.

To go in a circular way, you want to start at the pointy edges of your nail on the outer side. Then file those edges going inward to the center of you nail. Continue this until your nail is smoother and round. You don’t need to do much filing, since you already clipped your nail. So just wipe away a few times and check to see your results.

image of a rounded and a squared nail tip to show different ways you can file your nails for men nail care
The Darker Shade of the fingernail Tips should be your end result.

To get the square look, you are going to file down more on the center of your nail. Flattening it out to match your edges of your nail. This to me is more of a manly look, but it is just preference. Also don’t forget to file the edge of your nail also to keep it from being jagged and breaking off. Flatter nail do tend to break off more often, so it does take some getting used to.

If you follow those 3 simple steps as soon as your done drying off every few weeks, you’ll look great. Remember it doesn’t take much to keep you hands together.

Removing Hangnails

Another thing about nail care is to talk about is hangnails. We’ve all had them and more so from not taking care of your hands and nails. I’m sure your just like me and bite them things off as soon as the sting you. Although, there are better ways to take care of this to help prevent further problems. Because if you don’t do this right you tend to get more and more. Plus, the take a very long time to get rid of.

a close up of someone biting the hangnail.

This one you must make sure you have soaked your hand for at least 5 to 10 minutes. If you don’t, you’ll just rip the skin and make it run even more.

So, soak your finger

Then, use nail clippers and clip at the root of the hang nail. The closer to the edge of your skin the better. If you don’t, you’ll stand a chance you are you’ll rub against it and causing it to peel some more. So, clip close.

More than likely, you have already bit it off some before you got to this point. So, if its really irritated after your done clipping, just throw a mand-aid on it and you should be good in a couple hours.

I youtube’d to remove a hangnails and uggh. Some people have some nasty ass hands and feet. Sorry just an afterthought.

Keep your Hands Hydrated

Besides ashy knuckles and that annoying ashy hand feeling, keeping your hands hydrated takes care of your nails. There’s no need for me to go into detail on this. Fellas just keep some lotion in the car and in the bathroom.

If you absolutely have to ask your girl for a squirt of her lotion. So, what you smell like blueberry sunset, at least you’re keeping your skin healthy.

Seriously though, there is plenty of products made just for men. As men tend to have dryer skin due to our daily activities.

Keep a Good Routine for your Nail Care.

image of a males manicured hands to show results of taking care of a man's nails

Keeping a good routine is simple, once you get used to it. The best way I remember it is to just do it after I get out of the shower. It’s so much quicker and I don’t have to worry about it for the next few weeks. Best tip is to do it as soon as you notice your nails.

Like the first time you bite them or notice its jagged and cut you while you’re scratching your arm. Whenever you notice fix it that next shower.

Why Should Men have Regular Manicures?

There is nothing wrong with getting manicures. Matter of fact I prefer it every few months. Its not only a treat to your hands, but it gives me a good starting point to work with when doing them on my own. this is a good way of having good nail care.

At first, I was like there no way I’m going to sit in a nail salon with all these females and their gossip, but its not like that. I usually go towards the end of the day, due to my schedule. But during this time its almost always empty and not crowded.

If you worried treat you girl and get your done at the same time. This is a good way to get used to having your hands taking care of by professionals.


Should Guys Wear Nail Polish?

It’s totally up to you. Men wearing colored nail polish has become more fashionable theses days. In all, some men were clear nail polish as protection to keep their nails healthy.



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