25 Dorm Room Tips, Tricks and Hacks Every College Student Needs

LOSTnLOVEco dorm room hack tips tricks college

This is an ongoing list that is being related from subscriber emails. We are looking for the best 25 college dorm room hacks. So far we have received some amazing and time saving ideas. Please subscribe and leave your comments as we hope to grow this list to make it a complete guide.

Dorm-life hacks every college student needs to know

or as I was told My Auntie’s tips for pimping your dorm room game

Bed Risers / Outlets

One of the biggest complications that you are going to have besides space is outlets. It seems that either you can’t find my charger or you don’t have a place to plug up. Here is a very simple way to eliminate that. This cool little feature will not only Lift the bed but also make it efficient with these USB/Power Outlets Bed Risers on Amazon.

Complete Apple Charger for all Devices

If you are an Apple fan than this is definitely going to be for you. One thing about apple is that each item needs to be plugged up separately to be charged. Well look no further. Let’s eliminate that now. Now you can charge your phone, watch and earbuds all at the same station and only require one plug!

We are currently bringing this peice to our store.

Apple Docking Station LOSTnLOVEco

Your Cabinet on Wheels.

Another item that you are going to be using on a day-today basis is a cart. Yes a cart, no not Mario cart, but this small handy shelf on wheels is going to carry all your needed items. What makes this so essential is that it can move. It doesn’t matter how compact your living area is going to be you are going to eventually need to be able to make room for something else. What this item does is lets you store what you need and also tuck it away when you need the space.

There are many different versions and you can find these virtually anywhere. This one is comes from Walmart.

rolling shelf cart LOSTnLOVeco

This tips is a free one. With this tips you’re going to be able to not only add clothes to you living area but be able to find what you want easy. This is not to say that you’re going to keep it like this. But at least for the first exciting few weeks you should be able to keep this up.

Here is a tip on how to fold your clothes and keep them neat in your area. As we know T-shirts are going to become a staple in your clothing line.

Space Saving for Clothes.

college fold clothes Dorm room LOSTnLOVEco

Keep Your Dorm Smelling The Freshest.

This is something that you may already know but is going to make your day so much better. I’m talking about having a fresh smelling place. I’m a fan of candles and if you are too, you know that you cannot burn them all the time because 1. They are kind of expensive and 2. You don’t want to leave them lit when away.

But with using your vents and a simple freeze car freshener you can keep you dorm room smelling like fresh linen every time you walk in the door.

String Lights not just for Christmas

String lights can be your best friend here. It can add an all needed mood change to your sometimes stuffy and cramped environments. Also much needed all around lighting.

Here are some examples of some well-done placements of lights. I can only say that I wish my set up was that nice looking. But looking back on it we thought it would be a good idea to show you some better examples than what we had in school.

dorm room christmas lighting.  LOSTnLOVEco

Make your Microwave Bigger

Here is one that you are for sure going to need at one point or another. First we all know how important a microwave is in college. But second being able to fit more than one thing in there is going to make your day.

All you need to do is just raise one item above the other and viola, you have created a whole new space in your microwave. So no more do you have to wait until that frozen item is finished Just grab a cup and stack your above.

two bowls 1 mocrowave LOSTnLOVEco college hacks

To be Cont…

OMG, we haven’t even scratched the surface yet on the things we can do. We are updating this everyday so please continue to send in your ideas and we will keep adding the best ones to makes everyone college days dope.

Soda tabs, gives you extra closet space.

The tabs are not just for opening your favorite can of pop. With this you can free up that much needed closet space. Also these tabs are tough, so don’t be afraid to ad heavy items to them.

A good feature is you can get your wardrobe setup by outfits, instead of having to search for items all morning.

25 Dorm Room Tips, Tricks and Hacks Every College Student Needs LOSTnLOVEco

Ultimate Packing Guide to all your College Needs.

College Packing List LOStNLOVEco




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