You’re Being Cheated On. Here is All the Signs of Cheating.

signs of cheating | LOSTnLOVEco

The Complete List: of Signs Your Being Cheated On.

Here is the once and for all list of every sign you should be looking for to find out if your being cheated on. To Find out How to catch your partner cheating is linked here.

This guidebook is designed to help you identify the signs that your partner may be cheating on you. It provides practical advice on how to confront your partner, how to deal with the emotional fallout, and how to move forward with your life.

  • Comprehensive guide to identifying signs of infidelity
  • Practical advice on how to confront your partner
  • Strategies for dealing with the emotional fallout
  • Tips for moving forward with your life
  • Gain peace of mind by identifying the signs of infidelity
  • Learn how to confront your partner in a constructive way
  • Get support and guidance for dealing with the emotional fallout
  • Find practical strategies for moving forward with your life, whether you choose to stay in the relationship or not.

1. Emotional Distance

No longer are they in-tune with your feelings and it seems as they have lost touch with you on an everyday basis. Emotional distance is a sign of cheating. You ever get that feeling you are in a relationship with a total stranger? Emotional distance is the cause of this and while it has many root causes, cheating can create a huge gap.

2. You’re Spending Less And Less Time Together

There are only so many hours in a day that we can spend with our loved ones. Once you subtract Sleep and Work, that usually leaves about 8 hrs a day for your relationship. This will noticeably decrease when time is being taken out of that bucket. You will also notice that Weekends are now becoming filled with activities that do not include you.

3. They Won’t Tell You Much About Their Day

This goes with “keeping secrets” also; because telling you all about my day when I’m spending it with someone else means I need to Lie. It’s so much easier not to talk about my day-to-day activities then to create lies and have to them later.

4. They Don’t Share As much With You As They Used To

Conversation slows down to a minimum at this point. There isn’t any real interest in talking about each others day. Your conversation becomes only what is needed, just like you being on a “need to know” basis.

5. They Never Tell You Where They’re Going To Be

It’s common courtesy to let your significant other know your basic whereabouts. But if they’re withholding that information and making you feel possessive when you ask for it, something’s probably up. A good sign they are cheating on you is when they do not like sharing where they are at that exact moment when you ask. Make sure to ask this question when you have the gut felling.

6. Everything Seems To Lead To A Fight

Cheaters have their defenses up all the time, so take note when things keep getting blown way out of proportion.

7. They Encourage You To Spend More Time With Your Friends…

This tactic does a couple things First, it free’s up time to allow the other person time to cheat. The second thing it does is removes some guilt from knowing they have enjoyed themselves with other people and not you.

8. They Care Less About You

When you find a new interest whether it’s a hobby or a love interest. You tend to spend more time focused on that since it is new and exiting. They tend to lose focus on what you have been up to and how your day is going.

9. They’re Nicer Than They Used To Be

There are multiple reason they are nicer in your relationship. One is that they are just happier with what they are doing without you. No longer is their happiness as dependent on you. Two, they feel guilty or a need to make up for their actions. This is going to cause them to “make up for lost time” and go above and beyond when they are with you.

10. They’re Meaner Than They Used To Be

On the other hand, you could get treated terrible. This is also done for a couple of reasons. They treat you like shit because they feel they have something better and you are no longer worth their efforts. Or they treat you bad because they don’t care about your feelings being they are too busy focusing on their own.

11. They’re Keeping Secrets From You

This one is tougher, but you can tell when your loved one is hiding something. You will notice that conversations on the phone are handled in another room. They are always on their phone when you are not around but do not care to share what they are doing. They do not share exact details of their life when you two are not together.

12. They Seem To Have A New Circle Of Friends

This new group of people can be completely made up in order to get away from you and give them space to spend time with you they really want to. Also this new group of friends could be because they are meeting new people thru their new lover.

13. They Opt Out Of Plans With Your Friends Or Family

They’re doing something horrible to you, so the last thing they want to do is be around people who care about you.

14. They’ve Become Overly Jealous

This is actually pretty normal reactions from a cheater. After getting away with cheating on you for so long they start to think that you are too.

It’s also a way to keep you off guard and focusing on yourself and not their actions.

15. They ALWAYS Want To Know Where You’re Going To Be

Even though they won’t tell you where they are, they need to know where you’re going to be so they don’t accidentally run into you.

16. They’re Secretive About Their Phone

In today’s time it’s pretty much impossible to be able to cheat and not communicate by phone. Even the best of them will have some type of information about their cheating ways in their phone. If you notice that this item is now their prize possession and will not part with it in no way. Red Flag

17. They Have The Least Reliable Phone In The Universe

If they are glued to their phone every time you two are around each other. Then the moment you are no longer together you the are never able to answer their phone. This is a big indicator that something is going on in front of you and when you are not around.

18. You Catch Them In A Lie

Keep a running tab, take notes if you have too. A person who is screwing around on you will have to lie to you about something. Face it, they are spending time with someone else and don’t want you to know about it. In order to do this you have to lie at sometime. These lies add up and cannot be remembered. It is true when they say lies bring more lies.

19. They Avoid Eye Contact

This one is so natural. A liar just feels uncomfortable looking you in the eyes when lying. Make sure to pay attention to their reaction when asking them important questions related to them cheating.

20. They’re Overly Critical Of Your Relationship

At this point they are either comparing you to their new fling or they are now noticing what has changed since being distant.

One of the biggest items to happen is they begin to say things like “you don’t make me feel” statements. Also they may start talking about how things used to be in the beginning.

21. You’re Both Unhappy

This is something that is really easy to spot. Face it, if both of you have not been happy with each other for a while it’s more likely that the other person is open to finding someone new.

22. Major Changes In Routine

We’re all creatures of habit to some degree, so look out for scheduling changes.

You will notice the very quickly. Their routine is going to change because they are spending time somewhere else. Take note of what your partners typical day is like and then watch for the changes.

23. They Never Initiate Sex

This one is so hurtful in a relationship. It’s hard to think that there’s no more physical attraction because of someone else. A cheater at some point is just going to get tired of trying to please multiple people. They are going to be physically and emotionally drained and not have time for you.

24. They’re Tired Or “Sick” A Lot

Cheating is draining, and not just because of the sex. They’re trying to avoid spending any kind of time with you.

25. They’re Taking Better Care Of Their Appearance…

Once someone new is found we tend to want to make ourselves more attractive for that person. When you see them taking longer showers or showering at different times of the day that you are not used to. Also you see them in the mirror getting ready to go out and it’s not with you. Also buying or wearing clothes that you hardly or never see them in, Underwear is something to keep an eye on, because we all know no-one wants to have bad underwear when taking clothes off in-front of that someone new.

26. Too Many Friends Of The Opposite Sex

This is easiest way to have open doors and access to cheating. Being in a relationship with someone who has and communicates with many friends of the opposite sex take a-lot of trust. If they are truly friends you should know them and also be involved in their relationship. After all you are the significant other and they are just the friend.

27. They Get Real Busy With Work

Again, They are going need to figure a way to spend less time with you and more time with someone else. Having to Work late or putting in more hours at the job is going to be the easiest excuse. (Proof is in the PayCheck)

28. They’re Not Always Where They Say They’re Going To Be

This step you need to check-up and see if they are where they say they are.

29. They Over-Explain Where They’ve Been

Good liars come up with details to back up their stories, but let them come out naturally. Bad liars just give you a bunch of unnecessary details right up front.

30. They Evade Harmless Questions

Accounting for their time and movements is fraught with complications, so they want to give you as few details as possible.

31. When You Confront Them, They Turn It Around On You

Another classic move that stinks of guilt. Flipping the script and making you feel like the bad guy is Cheating 101.

32. They’re Always Changing Or Backing Out Of Plans

Double lives are tricky and require flexibility. If they’re not reliable anymore and don’t care about what’s important to you, there’s a good chance there’s somebody else.

33. They Vilify You

No one’s the bad guy in their own story. They’re trying to justify what they’re doing to themselves by making you out to be a piece of shit.

34. They’ve Done It Before

Not all cases, but in many, if they have cheated before they will do again. Unless the reason for them cheating the last time is resolved. There is nothing to stop them from cheating again because of the unresolved issue.

35. Your Gut Says It’s Happening

More often than not, trust yourself. You can tell when something is off. If you have a feeling that something is wrong in your relationship make sure you find out if it is valid. Because if it isn’t valid then you don’t even need this list.

For more information on signs of cheating you can check out another guide with WebMD

I wanted to add this graphic. Thanks you Pinow giving us a good visual of some common signs of cheating.

Signs of Cheating Info-graphic.  From pinow  and LOSTnLOVECo



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