Work from Home with Kids | Quick Easy Tips from Successful Parents

how to work from home with kids

When working from home with your kids and being able to spend more time with your children; plus advance your career can seem like any parents dream. Like anything else it takes time and practice to get a good solid routine for this to work.

It’s not easy balancing the demand of your company and your children; as they both are important. Then when you combine the two into the same living quarters, uh-oh…

We are going to go over some ideas that are going to make your life much more pleasant at home. We took the advice of many parent who are in Upper and Senior management roles who have been able to walk this tight rope. The reason for this is we wanted to know what people have done in some of the most demanding roles and find balance.

Don’t thank us, Thank you to all the parents who took the time to answer our questions and bring the best and most relevant tips and practices.

Proven Tips for Working at Home with your Kids.

Proven Tips for Working at Home with your Kids. LOSTnLOVEco

In no particular order., here are Tips from top professionals about working from home with children.

Dolls and Figurines + “Play and Walk Away”

We are combining two things a good practice with some of children’s favorite items.

First, we want to bring out the Dolls or Figurines. You know your kid best boy or girl, go get that favorite toy. As advice from our study, in many time it is actually better to have the child pick up their item.

This is going to more guarantee a toy of interest.

(play & walk away)
Second, you are going to start playing. I know what you’re thinking, I don’t have the time I need to be at work or taking this next conference calls. But, the key here is, not to get totally involved.

You want to urge them to start playing and effortlessly keep them on track of their train of thought.

Meaning, keep them focused on whatever their imagination has taken them.

Once you can see they have become fully engaged in their activity and you haven’t added any input or direction. This is going to be the time where you begin to walk away and go back to work.

As parents we all have done this before, sometimes when the kids are in the tub or just being quiet and we don’t want to disrupt.

make sure that you kid is more into what they are doing than what you are about to go do. Kids know when what they are doing is going to be more fun than their parents. So play into that.

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Give ’em a Popsicle.

how to work from home with kids tips popsicle

Now, hold on, before you skip this one and hear this out. I’m not 100% on giving kids treats, but after hearing this I’m not against it.

First thing, you can choose sugar-free or with sugar that is up to you. Now-a-days they all taste very good and can’t even tell the difference.

Now that we got that out the way. The reason for a Popsicle and not something else, is these things take concentration. Think about what it takes to eat a Popsicle. You have to focus, make sure it doesn’t drip or break.

This treat almost immediately causes the kiddos to sit tight and focus on this awesome treat. On average, like most of the time, (because we all know kids all kids are different and different at certain times.) they are not going to want to waste or spill it. *Especially if they know this is a limited supply snack.

Children’s Music.

work fro home with kids LOSTnLOVEco

Here is another on you’ll just have to go with me on this. Last thing we want is more noise right? Well in some instances this might be just what you needed to get that time to focus on your job.

So why music? We all like music, but with the children it adds a sense of being in a group. Most kids songs are sing-a-longs sung meant to be followed along.

Even if the kid(s) are “enjoying themselves too much” all you need to do is play some children’s sing-a-longs. They are easy to locate and free to use. Most of the time you don’t even need to download, just find a site and push play.

This can cause them to 1. Not be as loud as the music as they listen. 2. Bring another activity to do while following along with the song. 3. Help create a more child-like atmosphere for them to be comfortable in, while you work.

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work from home tips with cardboard box  LOSTnLOVEco

A CardBoard Box

Yes.. The classic in case you may have forgotten. It’s easy to do when you’re in the middle of a work day and juggling the kids. A Box just takes the imagination away.

I’m sure you remember we won’t have to get into this too much. But, here are some variations to it.

Break out the crayons and have them create with the box instead of breaking it in the next five minutes. Look to have them create a car, spaceship, mommy’s office or daddy’s favorite something. (You get it)

By, doing this you are buying so much more valuable time to get what you need done. This also allows you to do quick check-ins and even practice the “play and walk away”

Bowl, Sponge, and a little Water

This is one that once I heard it, the parent bulb lite up.

When working from home with your kids. Just get a bowl only about 1/4th water (for messy reasons). A sponge, you can buy one or like other parents grab the one in the kitchen.

Wham, instant entertainment, they won’t know what to do. Lol.. Should I clean, wipe, wash or soak up the sponge. You don’t even have to tell them what to do with it, besides “stay here with it.” That is what is going to create the fun factor.

You can add your own creations to this, adding a little dish soap, a drop of food color (be-careful). Etc.. It’s your choice, you know that kid better than anyone else.

Another variation to this is instead of the sponge and water, you just put ice cubes in the bowl and let their imagination do its best.

The Trusty Tablet

We all know this one is going to pretty much get the immediate quite you need. But when working form home with kids that tablet will do wonders right? With this one we won’t dive too deep but cover just a couple items with it.

The tablet works great when mixed with “YouTube Kids”. This parent friendly version of YouTube allows you to feel safe while they explore what ever come to mind.

I’m sure we have all seen the kids at one time or another somewhere on the internet where they shouldn’t. Then you’re wondering if that was an accident or not.

Also games are incredible to allow you both to have something to focus on besides each-other. They have many entertaining games that include educational items.

I would like to say that my kids only play educational items, but they don’t. (Yours don’t either) With this you can search for thousands of free apps that can be added with the level of entertainment you’re ok with.

Just be sure to have a lock on purchases, you will be surprised to know that purchases can and will happen eventually.

Working from Home Tips for You;

Keep in mind that sometimes it isn’t always going to be the most opportune time to just change things. But, if you can think of ways you can change your schedule. Can you work earlier or later hours while the kids are sleep? This is a way to get guaranteed time to focus even if you offset your schedule by 2 or 3 hours.

Also, if you don’t already have a designated area where you work and don’t do anything else. It is just as important to practice and train your babies to know when you are here we do other things.

Practice, Makes Better.

Working from home with your kids takes practice. It is not an exact science and takes repetition and training. Not classroom training but training those around you to understand what times are for who.

Practice things like when the phone, go thru the motions to get everyone used to how to act when you are taking phone calls.

make sure to practice these things when you are at the computer. I know having mock incedents seem like it may take too much time. But using just five minutes or acting out a possible scene can better prepare you for what is going to happen.

With this make sure that you positive reinforcement with every interaction that goes your way.



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