Best Foods To Try- When You Have A Hangover

People have been discovering “hangover cures” for centuries after a fun night. Even though no food can magically cure a hangover, there are certain foods that are better than others to help make your body feel normal again.

Best Hangover Foods Sneak Peak

Crackers Or Toast With Honey
Chicken breast and lean protein
Drinks With Electrolytes
Herbal tea
Dark Leafy Greens

Best Complete Hangover Recipes

best hangover foods picture

What causes a Hangover?

When you sober up after drinking, you may feel tiredness, nausea, shaking, sweating, and headaches. In addition to these symptoms, a hangover can cause sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, thirst, diarrhea, and even difficulty concentrating. A person may feel irritable, depressed, or anxious due to psychological effects. It is unlikely that you will be able to recover from a hangover until almost all the alcohol has been removed from your body. Some people get a hangover from just one drink, while others will not experience a hangover even if they consume heavy amounts of alcohol.

Best Hangover foods

If you have the right snacks, hangovers are much easier to manage. Let us help you by breaking down some of the best foods to cure that dreaded hangover.


Whole Grains are also complex carbohydrates. In addition to being higher in nutrients, they’re also higher in fiber. It allows you to release energy slowly rather than spike and crash afterwards, which is the last thing you want to do when you have a hangover. Drinking alcohol depletes the B vitamins in our bodies, so replenishing lost stores of these vitamins is essential.

Munch On Crackers Or Toast With Honey

A carbohydrate-rich diet will give you instant energy. A dry, bland food like crackers or whole-wheat toast can raise blood sugar levels without causing indigestion. Choosing a healthy cracker like Wasa or 100 percent whole-wheat will protect you from preservatives. If you want a boost of energy, drizzle honey over the top. Follow up with protein whenever possible to minimize the surge in blood sugar.

Best Proteins for a Hangover


There is a reason why eggs are brunch superstars. Too much alcohol causes oxidative stress and inflammation in a person’s body. The body needs selenium to maintain a healthy metabolic rate and protect itself from oxidative stress and other health problems. Eggs are a rich source of this essential mineral. They’re packed with energy-boosting vitamin B12 and amino acids such as cysteine and taurine. A hangover can be reduced by eating eggs in the morning following a wild night.

Chicken breast and lean protein

Hangovers raise cravings for fatty foods like cheese, bacon, and eggs. Chicken, for example, digests more efficiently while giving people a feeling of well-being. Additionally, lean meat boosts energy levels and stimulates brain cells, which promotes alertness and awareness.

Best Drinks To Help Hangovers

Sip those electrolytes

Drinking depletes electrolytes, which makes hangovers worse. An electrolyte drink contains the following ingredients:

● Potassium

● Calcium

● Sodium

● Magnesium.

It will make you feel better as soon as possible.


Making a smoothie is one of the best things you can do when you have a hangover. Your body might be subjected to oxidative stress after consuming alcohol. Consuming fruits high in antioxidants and vitamin C is recommended for this purpose.

A smoothie can be made healthier by adding fruits such as raspberries, kiwis, strawberries, oranges, and blueberries, which are high in vitamin C. Antioxidant-packed flaxseeds and chia seeds can also be added to smoothies for enhanced nutritional value.

Herbal tea

Make yourself a herbal tea. You can soothe your stomach and curb your urge to upchuck by taking ginger or peppermint. Steaming mugs of green tea contain healthy ingredients such as:

● Antioxidants

● Powerful amino acids

● Caffeine


Drinking water is the best thing you can do for your body after a long night of drinking. It’s important to replenish fluids after drinking alcohol since it dehydrates your body. A hangover is characterized by symptoms like headaches which are caused by dehydration.

Drinking a glass of water between each alcoholic drink can help a person wake up feeling better and revitalized. His body will be flushed of toxins and alcohol content by drinking water, preventing him from feeling hungover later on.

Best Fruits For Hangovers


There is no better cure for a hangover than bananas. The potassium and magnesium in bananas provide a double dose of nutrients to help you recover from a hangover. They contain a lot of soluble fiber and are soft on the stomach at the same time.

It is also possible to relieve muscle aches with potassium. Small yellow fruits can be lifesavers when hangovers appear as flu-like symptoms. In addition, they are incredibly healthy, low in fat, and make you feel full for a long time.


There are several anti-inflammatory properties in ginger. Furthermore, this drink can also relieve hangover symptoms like nausea and upset stomach. Ginger can be found in a variety of foods, including:

● Ginger tea

● Freshly squeezed juice

● Fruit smoothie

● A warm bowl of soup


They contain glutathione, known to eliminate alcohol from your system and reduce inflammation. In addition, they are loaded with vitamin C. Fresh fruit is more effective than orange juice when resolving hangovers. It is because they are very long-lasting and can be picked up from the refrigerator in seconds.


As a result of its complex carbohydrates, oatmeal tames fatigue. It will keep you full for extended periods, and you won’t experience sugar spikes later on. An irritable stomach responds well to oatmeal because of its bland, neutral flavor.

Best Vegetables

Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens are true powerhouses of nutrients. You can feel human again after a night of drinking. They are packed with essential nutrients and can help you feel better. There is no doubt that spinach and kale are superfoods; they keep you satisfied and are packed with nutrients:

● Fiber

● Vitamin C

● Iron

What Not To Eat When You’re Hungover

Fried Or Greasy Foods

Even though the grease may feel comforting, it can stress your hangover belly if you eat a heavy meal. Nevertheless, a healthier fry-up could be beneficial if it’s high in quality protein. If you want healthy food options that replenish your body, consider a veggie version with poached eggs, wilted spinach, grilled tomatoes, avocado and homemade baked beans.


Coffee could also exacerbate tummy troubles, as it is acidic. You won’t benefit from coffee’s diuretic properties, so your hydration levels won’t improve. The caffeine in coffee may give you a quick boost but could also worsen your hangover symptoms.

How to prevent future hangovers?

Hangovers are best treated by prevention. If you’re planning to drink next time, try these tips:

● Make your meal carb-rich. You may minimize alcohol absorption into your bloodstream by eating a meal rich in carbohydrates, such as brown rice or pasta. You can avoid hangover symptoms the following day if you do this.

● Choose drinks in light colors. Drinks with clear colors are typically lower in congeners. The risk of severe hangovers is lower when drinking light drinks.

● Don’t drink carbonated beverages. Alcohol absorption in your bloodstream is accelerated by carbonated or fizzy drinks, resulting in hangover symptoms the following day.

● Avoid smoking. When you smoke, you lose hydration, suffer from a weak immune system, and suffer from poor sleep quality, resulting in a more substantial hangover.

● Stay hydrated. Make sure you drink water steadily throughout the night. Ideally, it would help to have a glass between each drink and a glass before bedtime.

● Don’t exceed your limit. Avoid drinking five or six drinks if you know you’ll get a hangover. Consider alternate drink types or taking half-hour breaks between drinks. The rounds can be divided into other activities, such as dancing or socializing.

● Sleep well. Plan to sleep in if you know you’ll be up late.

Hangover recipes that work:

For those who partied nonstop this season, we’ve put together a list of delightful hangover recipes.

There are lots of wonderful dishes for you to try, from simple breakfasts packed with protein to tried-and-true hangover cures.

If you’re not in the mood for actual food, there are a few healthy drink options that might be a better fit this morning.

Mojito smug jug

Lemon-Ginger Electrolyte Drink



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