How I turned my Daytime Desk Job into a Passive Income Machine while at Work.

create passive income while working a desk job

How I turned my day job into a passive income machine all while at work. This is something that we all want to know. In this we are going to cover how your everyday job is a money-making machine just waiting to generate passive income for you.

There is another way to make $$

I am just like any average american stuck at their desk for 8hrs a day. (minus breaks and lunch.) Also like most of us I am Tired of doing this job only to generate the same amount of income over again every week. I got mad, so angry that I was ready to anything to find another avenue of income. Not to do our system bad, but we work an average of 40hrs a week only to be taxed almost 30% of our wages and then taxed on another 15% on everything we buy. What kind of living is that?

Now that I have you riled up, just as I was. My next step was to find a way to make more income. Iv’e tried the part-time job, the uber, delivery and all other types of ways to get income. They all took more time out my day. To the point where I only had enough time to work and sleep. There just had to be a better way of life then this.

What I came across was content writing and blogging. Now I will share with you that this is not an avenue that will be an instant addition to your income. This way you do all the work upfront with no pay and look for a residual income return later.

As you can see this article made the first page for SEO. This page rank #1 in two weeks.

My blog did not start generating income until 90 days after it’s creation. This was not including the time I took to research the idea and put an action plan into effect. if you add that it would amount to 6 months of work and research for a very minimal amount of return.

My whole purpose in sharing this is not to stop you from looking for financial freedom but to help you get a quicker understanding and bypass as many mistakes that can be made along the way. These are the best tips for passive income blogging.

Here is a short video on income potential.

What is your Passive Income Topic?

What have you accomplished

Step 1. To make an income from blogging your main focus is spending hours of your precious free time helping people on a topic that you don’t mind talking about. you will hear experts state that you need to pick something very small and build up to a base for more topics. I say just start communicating. If you have very good advice on how to be successful in any category in life people will find your information and it will be shared eventually.

This is not to say that people will find your information and trust you as soon as your article is posted. It means that overtime if you continue to be a great source of information in any area people will find you and appreciate you.

Also with this step takes some learning on SEO content writing. Before you ever get to that article I recommend you go thru these steps here. To conclude on step one I found that the easiest thing to do is talk about what you do at work. This will give you a amazing amount of content and boundless articles.

When I started this blog I wanted to sell things. I didn’t know what to sell. So I spent countless hours on topics of what is the best product. Where to get the product from. What is the best website platform for that product. All this research taught me that information is a product. It’s such a good product that it can outlast almost any website selling physical items.

So I shifted and in my search to find a good topics to speak on I realized instead of trying to do multiple things. It would just be easier to talk about what I spend 8hrs doing everyday. As this being a profession of mine I am already an expert in that area. So if you want to naturally create great knowledgeable content. Just talk about what you do for a living.

Generate Passive income by Generating Answers

Good Answers are Worth $$

Step 2. Now that you have already realized that your are an expert and you have an audience. Know that there are at least 1 million people with the same profession as you. These 1 mill people are also asking the same questions and probably been to the same website you have to get those answers. So as you encounter and resolve life issues, keep you documentation. Now it’s time to put some topics together.

This part is simple. Keep you ears open to what is happening in your industry. What was your latest meeting about? What is the newest software that is propelling your company or industry forward? What tactics have you learned dealing with your other departments?

These are things that many others are not only going thru but are in need of answers. Just like this topic of how do we generate income while at our job. Think about it. That presentation that you put together. Look how informational it was and how it impacted those within your company. Well what if you took that same presentation and put an external twist on it. (obviously we do not want to infringe on our own company) For me at this point I pretty much create the content to help others inside my company and place it here first. Then I will tailor it for my work place.

If you have ever created something that your company has used for years, what make you think that other companies or even those in the world’s workplace cannot benefit from it either. So in step two take the things that you are fixing in your everyday career and re-purpose it to help those outside. Creating Passive income blogging is creating answers.

How many Answers to start with?

Step 3. I recommend having some content created. Create about 10 to 25 articles. Gather all the times you have had to answer a question to a co-worker, subordinate or boss and put them in an easily digestible document. Create It as if you were going to hand this out to every member on your team or department. Think about all the times you may have had to help a customer with an issue. What about the 1 thing that customers always complain about and you know the answer to it. Maybe you help tons of people with roughly the same issue every week. let’s answer these questions and give people a place to go and not have to call in to a center to speak to an operator for. This is what creating a money generating machine is all about.

Now What?

Step 4. This is going to be your biggest learning curve. Since we already broke down that your are an expert in something and have proven credited answers to real professional questions. Also you should have some articles pre-finished and ready to publish. your content is created now and you want to place it on the internet for others to find. This step is how do I get it out there. Thru-out this website are places you can go to get all the information you need to be able to create your blog.



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