Walking Nachos Made Easy

Walking Nachos is more mysterious than we think. There isn’t a known origin of the this delicious snack but its said to have been known since at least the 1940’s. Its said to originally be made with Fritos and I’ve tried them that way too. But my ultimate favorite for the taste buds is going to be with cheesy Doritos.

This easy, simple treat is tasty and has always made a good impression at any event.

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What Makes Walking Nachos Such A Hit Snack?

The Genius of Walking Nachos:

Walking Nachos are a great snack option because they are portable, easy to make, and customizable. You can add your favorite toppings and flavors to the bag of chips, making it a fun and unique snack experience. Plus, there’s no need for plates or utensils, making it a great option for outdoor events or on-the-go snacking.

Here is a great visual we say Nachos but… some say Tacos

Ingredients for Walking Nachos

Doritos Bag
Variety Pack found here
Ground Beef
Fresh Brand – Ground Beef
pre-diced onions
diced tomatoes
Bell Peppers
diced bell peppers
Shredded Iceberg Lettuce, 8 oz Bag
Shredded Mexican Four Cheese Blend


Separate Your Toppings For Your Walking Nachos

Assemble your bags and your toppings first. It’s so much easier to serve if you add all your toppings into separate containers. It doesn’t matter if you cut your toppings or buy the pre-cut versions like the options we set above for you. Also keeping your tomatoes from mixing with the onions and bell peppers makes it better for people who don’t like them. Feel free to go crazy and experiment with your own tasty versions.



(Feel free to skip below to cutting the bag, if you are already an expert at this, But I have some tips to get great flavor.)

Some people season during the cooking process, but if you wand excellent flavor you’ll want to season before your put into pan, that way your flavors fuse to you food. Salt and pepper are going to be the main flavors to add.

There is also so many other seasonings you can use to get a great taste, like, onion powder, garlic seasoning or even some seasoning salt. The choice is yours, but this is going to be key in getting a great Waking Nachos Taste.

Tools needed for Cooking Ground Beef

Your skillet/pan should be lager than what you need, this will allow more of your ground beef to touch the surface of your pan, allowing it to cook thru more thoroughly . I like a cast iron skillet because it heats evenly, creating less work when cooking.

Also you will need a spatula and a plastic one to eliminate scratches to your skillet. Using a metal spatula not only scratches your pan but it also can create a metal type taste to your food which is highly unenjoyable.

Cooking Ground Beef is easy.

Ground beef on stove to show the look of cooking.  walking noachos

Set your stove to a medium/medium high setting. Now, before breaking it up you want to get it nicely browned. By doing this you will allow a thin layer of crust to combine with your beef.

Your ground beef will naturally create is own oil inside but you can also add some cooking oil if you would like. While this may make easier in the beginning and enhance some flavor, it does create a lot more to drain afterwards.

Place your desired amount of meat into the pan, you should hear a sizzle at the right temperature. That sizzle creates an instant this layer of crust and locks in the flavor. Your going to want to break up the beef into smaller more edible portions, but before you do make sure to do this.

Try to brown as much of the meat as possible before breaking it up. You can do this by flattening out your beef or browning the bigger chunks.

Once you have a good brown on all sides break it up. Your going to constantly cut the beef into smaller chunk with you spatula until you get to your preferred size.

Make sure to drain all of the oil from the pan. We don’t want it too greasy!

How Cutting the Bag for Walking Nachos makes a Difference.

Walking Nachos Bag cut open sideways to show how it should look

With Walking Nachos you are going to eat it right out of the bag, hence the word Walking. So this means there is going to be a certain way that you cut the bag open to make it easier to eat. What you are going to want to do is basically cut the bag almost in half using some kitchen scissors. I prefer to cut the bag sideways to allow for more eating space.

Adding it all together.

Here is the fun part, now you get to add all of the items together. By now you should have everything its own separate containers. Especially if others are serving themselves.

Take your open bag and add the ground beef and all your items in any order that you want. Some people like to crunch up their chips and eat the with a spoon or dig their fingers right in and eat one Nacho at a time. Either way this is a great tasting snack for any occasion because its quick, easy, and super easy on the clean up.

Try them and let us know what you think or please share any varieties that you made on this fun dish.




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